Entry ID218
Friends of Reservoirs Member/Group Sponsoring the ProjectFort Worth Fly Fishers
Project Leader Contact InformationDavid Hooper
Phone(817) 718-5151
EmailEmail hidden; Javascript is required.
Address7805 Regatta Ct
FORT WORTH, Texas 76179
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Project Information
Reservoir NameLake Mineral Wells
Google Maps Locationgoogle.com
Please describe the project objective(s).

Mineral Wells Reservoir, a 440-acre impoundment located on Rock Creek in Parker County, Texas was constructed in 1920 by the U.S. Army and is situated at the east edge of the City of Mineral Wells. The reservoir is located within Mineral Wells State Park a 3,282.5-acre park which opened on July 1, 1981. Reservoir aquatic structures consist mainly of rocky shoreline and native emergent vegetation, especially along the shoreline, with some standing timber.

Important sport fish include channel catfish, largemouth bass, and white crappie. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has previously stocked advanced fingerling channel catfish and adult Florida largemouth bass.

The reservoir and surrounding park serve as a recreational resource for areas of North Texas including the population centers of Dallas-Fort Worth, Weatherford, Mineral Wells, and surrounding smaller cities and communities. The area offers hiking, camping equestrian trails and public access fishing areas including a fishing pier and bank fishing areas.

The Mossback fish habitat grant will allow the Fort Worth Fly Fishers association to work with Texas Parks and Wildlife Department and community organizations to enhance both aquatic cover and spawning locations resulting in population increases of a variety of fish species.

The project is specifically designed to enhance the biodiversity of the reservoir in addition to promoting conservation awareness through a robust media and communication plan.

Please describe the project methods. Will the product be used in conjunction with existing habitat restoration efforts on the reservoir? Will the product supplement natural brush, rock, or other materials being added to the reservoir?

Fish habitat structures will be placed in key areas designated by Texas Parks and Wildlife Department fisheries biologist to complement existing structures and create a foundational space for further development in future conservation initiatives. This project aligns with recommendations from previous Texas Parks and Wildlife Department studies to increase aquatic habitats within the reservoir.

Will state fish and wildlife agency staff be directly involved in the project? How so (planning, site selection, participation in installation)? Is there an associated lake or habitat management plan that states the need for structural habitat enhancement?

Placement of the Mossback structures will be at the direction of fisheries biologist management who will be onsite throughout the project implementation and will provide support including technical advice and the use of a boat for deployment. The project will be in alignment with the attached reservoir survey report conducted in 2014. https://tpwd.texas.gov/publications/pwdpubs/lake_survey/pwd_rp_t3200_1340/

List the species that the project is expected to benefit:

Species benefiting from this project will include:

Largemouth Bass
Channel Catfish

How do you plan to conduct outreach and advertise the project? (Examples: on-site signage, press releases, websites, message boards)

Outreach will be through a multi-channel communication plan utilizing the following resources
Fort Worth Fly Fishers website
Fort Worth Fly Fishers members-only Facebook page
Fort Worth Fly Fishers public Facebook page
Fort Worth Fly Fishers Newsletter (will be published in 2 editions)
Mineral Wells Boy Scouts
Signage in Mineral Wells State Park identifying project and sponsors
Texas Parks and Wildlife website

In addition. press releases will be developed and sent to the following media outlets:

Fort Worth Star-Telegram Newspaper
Weatherford Democrat Newspaper
Mineral Wells Index Newspaper
Texas Council of Fly Fishers International
Fly Fishers International

These sources will be provided with news releases including project overview, project objectives and images and will reference all sponsoring organizations including Mossback, Friends of Reservoirs, Fort Worth Fly Fishers and Texas Department Parks and Wildlife Department. All images and a comprehensive report of the implementation will be provided to Friends of Reservoirs and Mossback for inclusion in promotional materials.

Upload at least one letter of support from a representative of the state fish and wildlife management agency:Upload at least one letter of support from a representative of the state fish and wildlife management agency:
Partnership and Budget
Does the project involve one or more youth groups?Yes
Please list all partners involved in the project:
Partner Name Type of Partner Cash Contribution In-Kind Contribution In-Kind Value
Fort Worth Fly Fishers Project Sponsor Shipping Cost (250.00 estimated) Shipping Cost (250.00 estimated) 15 volunteer hours labor 2 volunteer hours media promotion Total: 17 hours Labor: $306.00 Shipping: Estimated $250.00
Texas Parks and Wildlife Department Technical advisor and implementation guide TPWD Biologist 3 staff 30 hours total hours labor + boat Labor: $720.00 Boat: $100.00