Mossback Grant Review

Displaying 1 - 25 of 29

 Reservoir Name FOR Member / Group Sponsoring the Project First Last
Lake Red RockRed Rock Lake AssociationPerryThostenson
Claytor LakeBASS Nation of VirginiaCarleyPavan-Ballard
Lake ShelbyvilleLake Shelbyville Fish Habitat AllianceLeeMitchell
Lake ColumbiaFriends of Lake ColumbiaJacobMartin
W.S. Gibbs Memorial Park LakeHendricks County Parks and RecreationRyanLemley
Claytor LakeClaytor Lake ExtensionIsaacJones
Hershey Interstate LakePlatte River Scuba DiversDelandHumpherys
Lake Mineral WellsFort Worth Fly FishersDavidHooper
HorseThief ReservoirFriends of HorseThief Reservoir- Phillip Parish PresidentJoshuaHobbs
Leavenworth State Fishing LakeRural Leavenworth, Inc. – a nonprofit, nonpartisan community organization focused on preserving and promoting the rural atmosphere of Leavenworth County, KS.SherriGrogan
Lake Ray HubbardFriends of Lake Ray HubbardJustinGray
Youghiogheny River LakeFriends for Youghiogheny River LakeDonnaGraham
Patoka Lake IndianaTri County Bass AnglersDonGoldsberry
Patoka Lake IndianaTri County Bass AnglersDonGoldsberry
Monroe ReservoisTri County Bass AnglersDonGoldsberry
Trinidad ReservoirFriends of Fishers Peak and Trinidad Lake State ParksKimFalen
Lake Tank0City of CherryvaleAmberDean
Tims Ford LakeTennessee Bass Nation ConservationJakeDavis
Carlsbad Municipal LakeSun Country OutdoorsEarlConway
Kentucky LakeKentucky BASS NationNickColeman
Lake ShelbyvilleLake Shelbyville Fish Habitat AllianceChipChristensen
Celerate TestCelerate TestCelerate TestCelerate Test
Celerate TestCelerate TestCelerate TestCelerate Test
Jewell Emerson LakeJewel KS Friends of ReservoirsDarrellBohnert
Claytor LakeVirginia BASS NationJoanBlankenship
 Reservoir Name FOR Member / Group Sponsoring the Project First Last