The goal of this project is to enhance largemouth and smallmouth bass habitat within Blue Marsh Lake. In doing so habitat is also created and enhanced for many sport fish species including but not limited to; walleye, catfish, yellow perch, black and white crappie, and various other panfish species.
The reservoir hosts 24 bass tournaments each year by the Berks County Bassmaster sportsmen association and is managed under the Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission’s “Big Bass Regulations”. It is also a major draw for recreational anglers from the nearby city of Reading (Population 87,874). The lake is approximately a one-hour drive from both Philadelphia (Population 5,756,000), Harrisburg (Population 49,457), Allentown (Population 770,000). With these major population centers located just a short distance away, Blue Marsh Lake is a popular location for fishing in the southeastern PA. Furthermore, the Hamburg Cabela’s is only a short 20 minute drive from the lake, and the Harrisburg Bass Pro Shop is less than an hours drive. The habitat improvement will impact the largemouth and smallmouth bass population, size and health providing more quality bass for anglers to catch increasing the recreational value of the lake for both shoreline and boat anglers.
The shoreline projects will take areas that are unavailable or not favorable to shoreline anglers and turn them into fishing hot spots with easy angler access. The increased shoreline habitat will draw more fish to the project areas and allow anglers access to catch those fish. The stone framed deflectors used in shoreline stabilization provide a stable platform for anglers to fish from increasing the ease of use and enjoyment for many anglers. The Old Church Road project site includes a non-powered launch/mooring area this will allow kayak and canoe anglers access to parts of the lake that before were a difficult paddle to get to and fish.