Friends of Reservoirs recognizes outstanding contributions at its annual meeting with the Friends of Reservoirs Award. In 2023, we had three recipients to celebrate!

Mike Mounce, Shelbyville Fish Habitat Alliance & Illinois DNR (retired)
Mike has been a leader in fish habitat work as a Fisheries Biologist for the Illinois DNR and in retirement by continuing to lead efforts on Lake Shelbyville and impacting waters nationwide. Those who work with Mike describe him as 100% dedicated to enhancing fish habitat. Mike’s habitat efforts included managing public waters as well as assisting private landowners. Mike has been heavily involved in the RFHP by serving on the Midwest Working Group and provides advice and input to the RFHP’s Executive Committee. These are roles he continues to play even in retirement. Mike designed the “Shelbyville Cube” and worked with Chip Cristesen to build the first prototype. The Shelbyville Cube has become a preferred design across the country. We want to recognize Mike for his contributions to our organization.
Scott Ball, Friends of Lake Livingston (FoLL), Texas

Accepted by Michael Homer, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for later presentation to Scott
Scott has assisted the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department for many years with fish habitat efforts on Lake Livingston, the second largest lake in Texas at 85,000 surface acres. In 2017, Scott assumed the role of the Project Director of FoLL. Scott works with eight high schools to operate plant propagation growing tanks and volunteer students for lake plantings. He has over 250 adult volunteers as well. Volunteers plant native vegetation and place artificial fish habitat. He operates 28 growing tanks including three located at Texas Dept of Criminal Justice Ellis Unit with guidance from the Lee College of Horticulture. They produce and set out thousands of plants annually. Local peers describe him as a passionate fish habitat proponent and a motivator of people. He has even engaged former First Lady Laura Bush and her “Texan by Nature” conservation group. Laura Bush has attended field days where volunteers assist with habitat work. We want to show our appreciation for Scott’s efforts at Lake Livingston.

Rebecca Krogman
Rebecca has a long history with the RFHP partnership. Her early work on reservoir fish habitat assessment includes studies to include “Ranking of U.S. reservoirs relative to fish habitat condition”, “A classification system for large reservoirs of the contiguous United States”, “Functional age as an indicator of reservoir senescence”, and “Fish habitat impairment in U.S. reservoirs”. These studies were critical to the RFHP installation as an official National Fish Habitat Partnership. Rebecca continued to be a major contributor to the partnership as a Regional Working Group member, Science and Data Committee member, Outreach Committee member, FOR 501(c)(3) Board Officer, and Outreach Coordinator. Recent efforts include developing and upgrading the FOR website, Facebook page, and Instagram presence. She developed an online RFHP grant application system that has been adopted not only by the RFHP, but many of the other nineteen National Fish Habitat Partnerships for the 2025 RFP that complies with new essential information criteria to meet the ACE Act law. She has taken the lead on emerging fish habitat issues such as microplastics in freshwater systems and identification of other new science and data research needs. Her contributions to the RFHP are nothing short of amazing and what is listed here is just a portion of her contributions.
And a thank you to our hosts!
We also thank Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency and Tennessee Valley Authority for their essential roles in hosting the meeting, workshop, habitat demonstration, and networking events. You all did a truly outstanding job making us feel welcome!