Deadline Extended, and New Editing Access to Submissions

The deadline for Large Grant Applications has been extended to Friday, February 16, 2024. The deadline will not be extended again, as the Reservoir Fisheries Habitat Partnership's working groups will need time to score applications before forwarding to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

All applications for the RFHP are submitted through RFHP’s online application portal at We have worked to improve the application form to better clarify the amount and depth of information needed, logical order of information, and functional budget and partner tables. If you have any issues whatsoever please contact  Rebecca immediately, and she will do her best to help you!

Please note that you can use the "Save for Later" button to generate a link that has your draft application. This link is cached for 30 days from its creation, and can be shared among your application development group. We hope this makes it easier to collaborate when drafting an application, but remember that because it is cached for you, we cannot see it until you hit "Submit."

This year, we have added a new feature: the ability to edit your submitted application. If you were logged into your member profile when you submitted your application, you can now login and go to "My Profile" on the top navigation bar. Go to "My Grants" to view your FY2025 and previous grant applications. Again, if you have any issues, or if you submitted your application without being logged in, please contact Rebecca, and she will fix it.