BIA WaterCorps Program

Please see the announcement2025 WaterCorps Host Site Application and link below as well as the attachment about recruitment for BIA WaterCorps hosts.  If you or one of your partners have interest, be sure to apply by 9/30/24.  You don't have to have a candidate lined up to do it.  For those of you who are contractors, if you have interest in this, but your fiscal sponsor doesn't, I encourage you to talk to Ryan about whether Beyond the Pond may be able to help.

BIA fully pays for the 26-week placement of the tribal intern. The work can include irrigation, fisheries, GIS, water sampling, water rights, water quality, etc. - the internship just needs a nexus to water.

In our Strategic Plan, Key Action 2.2.B -Improve youth mentoring in the WRT workforce, Task 2.2.B.i reads:
2.2.B.i Submit at least 1 host application annually within the WRT to each; BIA water intern program, IMD intern program, and Directorate Fellows Program.
More info here: The WaterCorps program, and attached. We would need to submit host site applications by September 30. I'll add this as a brief discussion item for our WRT meeting tomorrow!
Chad Abel
National Water Resources Coordinator
National Wildlife Refuge System, NRPC
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
970/792.6883 (mobile)